Flavour for Cupcakes
Flavour for Cupcakes
- Moist Choc Cupcakes
- Vanilla Butter Cupcakes
- Red Velvet Cupcakes ( with swirl cream cheese deco only )
Topping for cupcakes
- Buttercream
- Choc Ganache
- Fondant
- 25pcs for RM50
- 36pcs for RM72
- 49pcs for RM98
- 16pcs RM 50
- 25pcs for RM 70
- 36pcs for RM100
(Price are for simple buttercream
deco only)
Add prices for fondant/ sugar
paste, piping helly and drawings
Add RM10 to RM15 for ganache
topping (half set or 1 set of cupcakes)
Add RM1.25 for each piece edible
image size S
Add RM1.50 for each piece edible
image size M
Add RM 0.30 for individual dome
shape container
Wedding/Engagement/ Hantaran Cupcakes
16pcs ‘M’ size + Window White Box
16pcs ‘M’ size + Window White Box
- Buttercream Deco – starting from RM 55
- Fondant Deco – starting from RM 110
(eg:cars, handbags, shoes,
handphones, accecories, makeup etc)
16pcss ‘M’ size – starting RM 150
( depends on design )
- Moist Choc Cake – RM 55 per kg
- Vanilla Butter Cake – RM 55 per kg
- Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting – RM 67 per kg
Add RM 15 for choc ganache
Add RM 20 for edible image
Wedding/Engagement/Hantaran Cake
- 8” cake – RM 120
- 9” cake – RM 150
- 1 tier – 8” starting from RM 200
- 1 tier – 9” starting from 250
- Buttercream Deco – RM 150
- Fondant Deco – RM 200